Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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Inspiration in Motion

Saturday- November 13, 2021

Dear Marion,

 There was a frenzy in the air recently that I felt compelled to capture. It started with a walk around the lake and a side glance at a sign that had been posted for a Turkey Dash and Splash to benefit the Special Olympics. My eyes were drawn each time I walked past because the illustration of a turkey and the graphics were funny and compelling. The real message was a good one and stuck with me (keep in mind I have not run or even jogged in a long time). At that time, commercials and the news began talking about the annual NYC Marathon and I thought I should go in and watch in person this year- and I should do that 5k too.

 A week before the Turkey Dash and Splash, I mentioned it to your granddaughter and she said she would consider going but would like to bring a friend. Hmmm, at least she said maybe. If it evolves into a no, I’m going to push myself and do it anyway. Today was the 5k and the three of us arrived at the boardwalk with our sneakers and smiles ready to go. I double-checked that walking was completely acceptable as we unanimously agreed that was the way for us. The anticipation grew around us- some were stretching and bouncing preparing to run the race. It was clear the people in shorts were ready to run with all the energy they arrived with so we kept inching our way to the outside to avoid being trampled or scuffed at for slowing anyone down. We met some entertaining groups who seemed to also be there for the fun of participating- without the competition of the time. Everyone seemed to be getting antsy to start, including us.

 The start-gun shot signaled the time had come, everyone took off, and here was the surprise. Your granddaughter and her friend as well as the other “claimed walkers” began running. Who was I to stop the momentum, I joined in. Well, let’s be clear, I jogged. Truth be told, we probably jogged half of the race and walked the rest at a quick pace. The point is we did it and as we ran over the finish line, we were laughing and I dare say proudly. Was it a huge accomplishment? Maybe not. Was it a marathon? No. Did we feel empowered? Absolutely and more than anything we had a great morning. We even received a  turkey medal and we wore it with humor and grace. By the way, an older woman announced she was a walker and didn’t want to stop us from running at the starting line. Her pace was so fast that she crossed the finish line around the same time. I have never seen such a smooth and fast pace, even beautiful in its rhythm. 

 The weather was sunny and quite windy with gorgeous blue skies. Afterward, we enjoyed a lovely brunch before walking out into a change in weather. Just after we crossed the restaurant threshold, the drizzle of rain and grey skies turned into a tumultuous storm. Literally within seconds of someone announcing- look at the large raindrops, I noticed the rain bouncing off of the sidewalk. This was not rain- it was hail and large balls of it! Thunder and lightning exploded and brought the absolute deluge of rain with us running faster than we had all day to the car. Soaked and laughing with utter amazement at the complete turnaround in weather. Nature in its most dramatic fashion was on display all day in every way.

 A few days before, the leaves were blowing fiercely and churning like a snowstorm. Instead of white, this leaf storm was full of shocks of bright, glittery, colorful leaves glistening as the light caught their surface. It was a burst of inspiration churning all around like I had entered a snow globe in motion. The vibrant colors, the dance of the leaves, and brisk temperature brought to mind Winnie the Pooh and his lively adventures you read to us and I in turn read to your grandchildren. How inspiring nature can be to all of us and thankfully also to both author A.A. Milne and illustrator E.H Shephard. Walking can bring such tranquility and stability to my mental health and it can also bring great inspiration for a multitude of ideas. 

 I picked up a new book by Andy Cohen, “Glitter Every Day” - 365 Quotes from women I love. While it’s a great book to read a page a day(most likely as intended), I couldn’t help but read months worth at a time. It’s fun, funny, thought-provoking, and best of all colors your day. 

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Follow your passion. Be yourself, but check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

Andy Cohen

American radio and television talk show host, producer, and writer

Born: June 2, 1968

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