Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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Stripes and Streusel

                  Thursday, January 21, 2021

Dear Marion,

 Yesterday was Inauguration Day and there has been a successful transfer of power despite the turbulent months and even year that we have experienced. There were many firsts for the history books yesterday too: President Biden is the oldest ever to take office, the new Vice-President is the first Black, the first South Asian, and the first woman. Regardless of the political affiliation anyone may have, whether you agree with her politics or not, this is a moment for women. Do I think I should vote for someone because of their gender or race, no, but I do think this moment deserves a pause and a moment to think and feel what this means to all of the women that have worked hard for ‘firsts’ including this day.

  I have been feeling stripes and in particular a white ground with navy or red stripes similar to the Breton Stripe. This iconic stripe was designed as a sweater for the French Navy many years ago, Coco Chanel designed this stripe using an inexpensive jersey and made it chic, Picasso was often adorned in this stripe accompanied by a scarf and beret, Sting gave it presence as well in his own style. Last January, post Christmas vacation, we went into NYC to collect your granddaughter’s Christmas gift. It was a special day with our family friend to make bread. I came across some photos from that day a few weeks ago which is why I have been feeling for this classic stripe and it’s ability to not only sustain its relevance but it’s ability to adjust its personality. It is a classic and can be a staple in any wardrobe.

  There is a photo that captures the twinkle in your granddaughter’s eye that has always intrigued me and inspired me to be a better person. I have been reading a book that I think has been everywhere this past year and the author has been interviewed on many different venues both written and verbal. In fact, I have seen this book so many times that it felt like a sign that I must read this and read it now. Glennon Doyle has written Untamed in a way that appeals to all of your senses. It is truly a fast read that takes you on a journey and leaves you filled with compassion for many different and possible ways to live a life. Her compassion, research, writing and attention to history makes me want to strive to listen more carefully and act more bravely than I ever have before.

  Each generation has its own set of circumstances to live and learn and this generation is no exception. While our young girls and teenagers have much to process and navigate, it is a time for girls and women like no other in history thus far. You and dad told me I could be anything I wanted with hard work and perseverance, but our young girls today can actually see what it would be like to have a career in any area they choose. I don’t recall ever seeing a female doctor until I was a teenager and she(dermatologist) was the only one in our area. In my memory, as a young teen there weren’t many women in upper management positions that I had contact with or a connection. One day a friend of your cousin visited with her daughter and she just finished college and was training to be a commercial airline pilot. It was wild to us when we heard training ended and she was an official working pilot because it was so unusual to hear of a woman in that career. For me, it was not only hearing about her achievement but that we actually met her in person that was so exciting. Today, our young women and girls know that they have all of these options… it’s not a question mark or something to draw upon their imagination.

  When I woke up Inauguration Morning, I mentally smelled the Streusel Coffee Cake I used to make as a tween. You always let me bake whatever I wanted (I don’t ever remember you saying no) and it was a great way to teach me to create, clean up, and serve something to our family. As the delicious smell wafted through the house, everyone was drawn to the kitchen like moths to light. We are a house of both sides of the political arena, but we all enjoyed that moment of deliciousness and watched another first together. We may not all be happy with the politics in front of us, but we witnessed a beautiful moment of democracy together and created a special memory. Wouldn’t it be nice if coffee cake and a warm tea, coffee, hot chocolate, glass of milk could bring us all together for respectful conversation and plans toward a more United community.

  I loved the fashion of the week as there was so much thought and conviction put into each individual presentation ….even the beautifully, heartfelt, environmentally conscious knitted mittens Bernie Sanders wore to Inauguration. Each expressed their story through color, style, and designer chosen to dress them for this most auspicious day and week. I would love to see and wear that Breton stripe in purple for many reasons including how that color expressed the hope for both sides of the table coming together and unifying our beautiful country. Purple. So many beautiful shades to choose from and how lucky we are that we can make that choice in our own time.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“The new dawn blooms as we free it

For there is always light,

If only we’re brave enough to see it

If only we’re brave enough to be it”

Amanda Gorman

born 1998

Poet, the first US National Youth Poet Laureate

excerpt from,“The Hill We Climb”

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