Dear Marion...Forever Yours

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The Aficionado

Saturday- October 9, 2021

Dear Marion,

  From time to time, I still enjoy checking out some shows that are geared for children and one of them is The Henry Ford’s Innovation Nation hosted by Mo Rocca (we termed it The Mo You Know Show some time ago). There’s often a new invention highlighted or interesting historical topic as well as a word of the week. The term aficionado caught my attention and I thought of a few people I had either been reading about or listening to this past week. Oprah Winfrey was one of our favorite shows and persons to talk about whether it be her Book Recommendation or Gift List or her ability to shine a light on something/someone important. Believe it or not, Oprah’s show began while I was in college, as I would be in the studio most days, you would tape on the VCR-specific shows and share with me during the holidays. I received Oprah Winfrey’s book What I Know For Sure in the mail some time ago, but this week was the right time to pick it up and read. I devoured her wise words and research/ life experience because it simply rang true for me particularly this week. It’s funny how we can hear something from a different perspective based on where we are in our life and that week’s experience. I know for sure I will be reading passages of that book many more times.

 Coincidence? I stumbled upon a new Hoda Kotb interview with Maria Shriver and Oprah. I hadn’t realized the two have a 40-year friendship that has endured career changes, marriage, children, death, divorce all while living a public life and yet a very private friendship. They spoke of how they have nurtured, cherished, and supported one another while honoring one another with a safe and very private relationship. Loyalty. What a special, valuable gift that is rare and it brought me to tears because what could be more beautiful. I will be listening to that particular episode of the podcast Making Space with Hoda Kotb again I know for sure.

  Every so often I am intrigued by a virtual interview offered through Fane or similar sites and sign up to learn something new or to feel like I am attending a live show. This week I watched an interview with Stanley Tucci and was inspired by their discussion of food. Whether preparing food for loved ones or enjoying a meal prepared for you, food can conjure up memories of big events or even little moments that stick with us as important memories. I know for sure I am going to read his new book. I enjoyed the interview so much that I stopped at the bookstore to pick up his latest - a memoir with a few recipes. Any inspiration to cook is a good excuse and positive force for me (as you know)because I need inspiration when it comes to the kitchen and cooking. There have been years of teasing that my best cooking comes from my ability to phone in take-out. Lol. Becoming a mother changed that for me as they needed cooked meals but honestly I really only did it because of my love for them …not the kitchen. 

  Bella announced it was National Noodle Day last week so in honor of the day I made a new dish your granddaughter discovered online and wanted to try for dinner. Chicken and Broccoli over Penne was simple, easy, and packed a powerful taste for both of us. There was certainly love added as an additional winning ingredient because I enjoyed preparing almost as much as I enjoyed eating…we devoured it. Bella took the opportunity(in her teenage voice) to point out this is penne/pasta not noodles but the meal was so scrumptious she let it slide. Again, lol.

  Aficionado: a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime. Oprah Winfrey, Maria Shriver, Hoda Kotb, Stanley Tucci, Mo Rocca are all aficionados that I have enjoyed reading, watching, and listening to this week and feel more enlightened as a result. 

 Carpe Diem: Latin phrase literally translated as “pluck the day,” though more widely translated as “seize the day”. We took a tour that led us under an overpass marked by Carpe Diem and surrounded by beautiful landscaping with the bustle of young people and not so young rushing through in the rain. I hope that we can all look up and take note when we see those words realizing the power they can hold and incorporating them into our lives. 

  In our own way, your granddaughter and I are becoming our own aficionados and enjoying every minute. Carpe Diem.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

Oprah Winfrey

American talk show host, producer, actress, author, and philanthropist 

Born: January 29, 1954

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