Holiday Magic

Wednesday-December 29, 2021

Dear Marion,

Today is your birthday and it is rather gray and gloomy but a good day to enjoy a cozy afternoon in front of the fireplace surrounded by Christmas decor and a tree shining brightly in the corner. I am still enjoying some Christmas music both traditional(Bing Crosby, Johnny Mathis, Nat King Cole, Johnny Cash, Patti LaBelle to name a few) and current (Rob Thomas, Kelly Clarkson, Mariah Carey, Sia, etc). This is how I remember you spending moments of your Christmas week when I was in my teens and older. I thought doesn’t mom want to do something more exciting with her time off? On occasion, I would ask you why you chose to sit and read or watch the tree even though I could see you were content. Well, I now understand and appreciate what you tried to show me that this is a moment to feel grateful for all that you/I have been fortunate enough to have experienced…the good, the bad, and the ugly too. 

  Last month, I came across a photo I took a few years back while walking in a park. Rediscovering this photo gave me the same jolt of joy that I felt the first time I stumbled upon this scene. Walking in the early morning, I turned the corner and discovered a few random evergreens decorated for Christmas. These little unexpected moments feel like holiday magic. Just as you taught me, design and art can make a difference and this bit of fairy dust is a lovely example. Who knows how many smiles that gesture brought to folks of all ages and it may have been the perfect sign for someone, anyone to know that people care(even when no one is looking).

 We were watching the movie, Miracle on 34th Street(both the original from 1947 and the remake from 1994) and it never disappoints. The joy and hope it conjures brought smiles to all of our faces even though we knew what was going to happen as well as the unlikelihood that any of the scenes would ever really happen. It didn’t matter, it was the possibility that any of it could happen. Hope in something we can’t necessarily see and maybe if we’re lucky feel. Even those in our family with attention deficits that couldn't sit still in the room for the whole movie, kept walking back in the room and getting swept up for a few enjoyable scenes. Holiday magic. Sometimes I am feeling the Grinch in me and I get caught off guard by a young child squealing with delight over the lights and displays outside in a yard or town square and can’t help but laugh out loud. Your granddaughter is the essence of Christmas and would gladly live in a Christmas village all the year through the joy of the season. Said granddaughter enjoys talking about the holiday season beginning in July with you guessed it Hallmark movies and baking for those who may enjoy her treats. Every year since she was a toddler she asks for the same thing…snow. This year at her birthday breakfast, she received a snow globe from a friend and I thought now that friend really knows Bella. In fact, all of her friends really knew what makes her tick and their gifts reflected their ability to listen. Isn’t that what we all or most of us really want, to be heard and even better understood. That may be one of the best gifts of all.

 Sometime before Halloween, discussions erupted over holiday shopping and the shipping difficulties that would ensue due to the pandemic, employee shortages, and factory interruptions which brought shipping and unloading at the harbors behind. What perked my ears was the Christmas tree shortage and not only the lack of trees but the quality of trees available. The weather had a profound impact and we even noticed the evergreen rope we use on our porch railing was a bit lackluster to say the least. This is where design steps in and helps to boost the finished look. It’s just decor, I know, but it does bring me joy to see our home looking festive. So this year we paid close attention to ribbon/bows, lights, and even tied groups of pinecones together and filled in where there were bald spots in the evergreen. Spare and balding evergreen? Nothing a bit of design ingenuity can’t fix. A small tree, a table top tree, a sad looking Charlie Brown tree? All can be improved and more lovely with a festive finish including one or more of the following: ribbon, lights, pine cones, ornaments, and my favorite- strands of individual tinsel. 

  A few weeks before Christmas, your granddaughter spearheaded a trip on an old fashioned boat for a Holiday Hot Chocolate Cruise around the New York Harbor to listen to music and enjoy the city lights. The hot chocolate with whip cream(of course) could be spiked or a belly warming drink from the bar was happily delivered and cookies to complete the moment appeared.The bonus was a full moon and perfect weather if not a bit of a cold nip in the air. How have we not done this before?! We may have been required to wear a mask, but that did not dampen our spirits nor anyone else judging by the groups attending from toddler to many moons older. Holiday Magic is alive and thriving judging by the youngster who captivated many of us with her air drumming from the moment the band began until they called it a night. Even the teenagers in our group couldn't help but sway to the music as they played Scrabble together but on their own phones.

Happy Birthday.

I wish for all of us a Healthy, Safe, and Happy New Year!

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

South African bishop and theologian, human rights activist

October 7, 1931- December 26, 2021

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