Comfort by Design

Thursday- January 20, 2022

Dear Marion,

  It’s January and the temperature has been bouncing around from the 40’s to just about 11 degrees and that has created a desire for comfort in every way. Layering when I go outside including favorite and functional accessories is key to my comfort but so is delicious food(possibly too much), and creating cozy spaces. This past weekend, we had planned to go into the city and see a play as well as enjoying a few favorite stops. As the day approached, the weather was predicted to be windy and hovering above 11 degrees which as you know meant feeling even colder on the ferry and walking through NYC streets. The sun helped a little but it was the coldest we’ve experienced this year and I must say we both had to push our shoulders back, take a deep breath, and remind ourselves that this is what we were looking forward to all week. It was the best day. We took more taxis than usual, stayed hydrated, dressed properly, and kept ourselves moving. 

 The Harry Potter Store opened in June but I just became aware of it and it did not disappoint. Every detail from the greeter at the entrance to the Butterbeer on tap before the exit kept us entertained and equally in awe. I am not sure what I expected but I can tell you it brought me back to our sharing of the love of each and every book as well as the anticipation we felt with each book and movies’ arrival. We stepped through the doors just after the store opened for the day and it was packed but that did not hinder our experience(even while masked). We moved around each section which offered visuals from the decorated floor to the murals on the ceiling and in between photo ops and props to feel connected to this magical world created to explore our imaginations.   

 One year we were lucky enough to attend the premier of a Harry Potter movie. Andrew could only get three tickets and thoughtfully bowed out. You and I were breathlessly waiting for the movie to start and your grandson sitting between us could not have been more filled with anticipation. As the first scenes unfolded, your grandson leaped onto my lap and for a moment I thought maybe I made the wrong decision and he was too young for the storyline on a large screen. With eyes wide open, he whispered that this was the best day and he just wanted to sit on my lap to feel safe. You cozied up to the two of us and we enjoyed every moment. Some years later, Universal Studios opened their world of Harry Potter and we were lucky enough to squeeze in a side trip after a baseball tournament. Once again, we were filled with excitement for this beautiful world of imagination sprung to life. The four of us loved every moment, but it was your grandson and I that almost floated speechlessly with awe and full smiles through the day and it all began with those books. You and I began reading Harry Potter when it was first published as a way to bond and thought some other young family members might connect. As it happened, you and I were hooked from that first book and something in those pages eventually resonated with your grandson. I don’t believe he watches the movies at this point and the books have been left on our bookcase holding special memories of those years. That day in the Harry Potter Shop last weekend brought those memories flooding back and at my side was the latest fan, your granddaughter, who voraciously watched all of the movies during the pandemic last year. 

 Our next stop was The Music Man with Hugh Jackman and Sutton Foster still in previews and having their own stop and start due to COVID. Fortunately, the curtains opened and welcomed us into another era filled with singing, dancing, and an energy that filled the theater to capacity. The audience clapped and cheered for what seemed like 5 minutes before Hugh Jackman even began his performance and once he did you could hear a pin drop. Sutton Foster and the entire cast received much of the same and they each performed with a passion that reached out and grabbed every ticket holder, rendering thundering applause at the end. At that moment, I realized I actually had tears streaming down my face overwhelmed by what we had been missing the past year or so. It was a beautiful experience and one that reminded me how important connecting and experiencing forms of art collectively is for me and the community. Even your teenage granddaughter complete with face mask couldn’t contain her joy and gratitude for this incredible experience.

 After such a full day, later in the holiday weekend brought a little bit of grocery shopping for fresh herbs, etc. Your granddaughter rolled up her sleeves and shared with us her joy of cooking in the form of Roasted Chicken, smashed potatoes, and roasted broccoli. These cold days are made easier and more enjoyable with comfort food such as this especially when we have such wonderful memories and experiences to share over our meal. Enjoying a cozy fire, a few candles, and treats from the bakery all help to complete a lovely weekend dipping below the temperature comfort zone.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Today is the first day of the rest of your life. And if that doesn’t work out for you, tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life.”

Bob Saget

American stand up comedian, actor, tv host 

May 17,1956 - January 9, 2022

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