Design & Your First Impressions

Wednesday-July 29-31, 2021

Dear Marion,

  We stayed local this weekend and as I was working on some home chores I got caught up in a new beach read by Elin Hildebrand called Golden Girl. It was a fun, easy, beach read that took me away to Nantucket complete with vivid descriptions of the characters, the landscape, and community all wrapped up in a mystery. Was this book a guilty pleasure? Maybe, however it is categorized it was pure entertainment and I enjoyed every minute. There have been design or craft projects that I have worked on that bring about that same emotion especially when there is a story threaded through the project. There is no better feeling than when I get into that groove, one idea runs fluid into another, and time slips by unnoticed. In this book, the vivid details gave me a complete picture of what made each character tick and how they lived their lives. It was the design of the details. An expensive, historic home containing a richly painted black door with a heavy, silver door knocker gave me a complete picture of the owner’s personality and how they wanted to be perceived. That’s the power of design, it paints a picture or an idea of who lies behind that door and what impression that makes on the viewer. I have a fascination with front doors, gates, and archways and found that different cultures and communities can often have their own signature design for doors and entrances. When traveling or walking around the block, take a look, notice, and maybe for you it will engage your imagination, and before you or I know it a story has blossomed in our minds. Whether we are intentional in our choices or not it makes a statement. That imagery may or may not match the individual's truth behind the door.

  This week I have kept my eye on the Tokyo Olympics and have been particularly interested in the swimming categories as well as women’s gymnastics. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be after a one-year postponement and all the upheaval from the COVID-19 global pandemic. Both men and women swimmers have entertained and engaged me in their race for medal, some have surprised while others have fulfilled expectations. Women’s Gymnastics has brought the full attention of the world to its doorstep for more than one reason. Simone Biles, the GOAT, who literally brings about a vision of ‘can do’ and more has successfully completed numerous elements that have subsequently been classified using her name prior to the Tokyo Olympics. For months we have seen her face in print and interviews in the news with anticipation as to what Simone and the women’s gymnastics team would accomplish. Based on all of her performances, she appeared unstoppable and unreachable. Simone created images we had never before seen or even thought were humanly possible, she became the face of the Olympic Games.

What came next was not only unexpected but never happened before. It was announced that she would not compete in the team competition, eventually stating it was due to her state of mental wellness and health. Brave? Some say absolutely, few say was it because she couldn’t handle losing her footing and possibly not achieving podium status. That she should have pulled herself together and supported the team with her experience.  The amount of pressure when you are the reigning champion regardless of your sport, with all of the media and social media watching your every move cannot be easy or taken lightly. With such a dangerous aspect to the unique elements of gymnastics, there should be no question as to was this the right choice for Simone Biles, only she can decide. As I watched her in the stands cheering and supporting her team, I thought maybe this is how she is supposed to lead by example. As the team won Silver and then Sunisa Lee won the all-around individual Gold it came to me that Simone stepping aside helped to shine the light on the younger teammates. Your granddaughter, at one point, walked into the room and expressed since when is the team all about one person. We are now hearing the stories and names of those whose light is filling the position left open.

  We had a leak in our bathroom the other day that exposed itself in the ceiling of the bathroom just below. Thankfully before the ceiling fell in, someone came and opened a hole revealing the was our upstairs toilet causing the problem. I looked at the intertwining pipes and mechanics and thought thank goodness for those trained professionals that work their magic. Often we don’t know what’s happening behind the door, the surface, or the face, we may not be able to control what is happening but we can breathe and trust in the design of how things need to unfold. Sometimes even giving a little nudge.

  Comfort, a little healthy sustenance, and thankfully a cooler evening inspired a delicious new recipe from our newly purchased cookbook Food Between Friends by Jesse Tyler Fergusson & Julie Tanous. This chicken recipe, Sorghum Butter Spatchcocked Chicken, nicely balanced the summer treat of homemade ice cream by our local ice cream parlor. Your granddaughter has been persuaded to venture out into a recipe with protein in lieu of baked goods and she did the recipe. Enjoy.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Believe you can and you're halfway there.”

Theodore Roosevelt 

26th President of the United States
