Road Trip: Santa Barbara, CA

Saturday- September 4, 2021

Dear Marion,

 This weekend marks the last official weekend of the Summer and if things go according to plan the locals will be taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly come Tuesday. ‘Locals Summer’ is September and usually even into October. We have beautiful weather, less humidity, cooler breezes, unobstructed stunning views, and typically no traffic. The unbearable heat and humidity of summer mixed with heavy traffic, unfortunately, don’t often bring out the best in people. Next week we can leave our beach badges and soon parking permits at home, dogs will be allowed back on the beach and the air begins to change both in vibe and season. All of this is entirely attractive to me and yet each summer as it comes to a close feels bittersweet. Our town is changing once again and even on our block, there is a shift happening where fewer people live here full time. It’s also back to school which is exciting and will bring new experiences but this one is my last in terms of k-12. My last first day to witness personally, it is time and I am happy for your youngest grandchild but it brings pause and a bit of a lump in my throat. We enjoyed some pretty special road trips this summer and I wanted to share this last one with you, as an artist you would have loved the stunning views of Santa Barbara.

  Your grandson, a young man of few words, lit up when mentioning the drive from Los Angeles to Santa Barbara so I knew we were in for a treat. It was utterly spectacular and while I  have taken a few trips to California and in particular coastal drives, it has been a long time since my last trip. Seeing the mountains through the eyes of your grandchildren filled me with awe. The beauty surrounding us was filled with color and textures we don’t experience on this coast. The sunsets were as extraordinary as we have here but uniquely different settings over the ocean. A couple of days were absorbed in college orientation which was exciting unto itself with the most incredible views surrounding us at every turn. The breathtaking views felt like another planet and the warm vibe of its neighbors felt as though it were home. We enjoyed early hikes each morning and one day even blessed by 5 small springs near the top. This particular hike separated the three of us for a bit as we lost our way and momentarily each other but thankfully something pulled us back together. Once we found one another, the distinct smell of sulfur drew us to the muscle relaxing springs. 

  The four of us traveled together to Santa Barbara but we are each embarking on new paths this next season as your youngest granddaughter pointed out and it’s exciting to see where that will take us. As Bella so eloquently added, in time we will always find one another just like the three of us did on that hike to the springs. Ironically, I just finished reading “She Wouldn’t Change A Thing” by Sarah Adlakha. The story was a very interesting perspective on life and time and how each decision changes not only the individual but all of those around them. Whether you believe in destiny or that we each have a purpose is one that the characters struggle to determine. I found myself and my mood affected by the choices and their effects on each character. It was uncomfortable, infuriating, and in the end satisfying. A great read particularly if you like a mystery and certainly the questions- ‘why are we here’ and ‘what would you do for love, loyalty, and responsibility’?

  This morning, I was blessed once again with your granddaughter’s persistence. We needed the right bread(I went to three stores) for the mouth-watering French Toast created with love and gratefully inhaled by me. Once you have the correct bread and ingredients, this recipe can be created quickly for anyone you want to impress for brunch...or any time. I can’t think of a better way to treat our appetites this Labor Day weekend or any weekend.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours


“Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”

Carol Burnett

American actress, comedienne, writer, and singer

Born in 1933

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