The Belt

Saturday- September 11, 2021

Dear Marion,

  So many interesting ideas crossed my path this week and I found myself once again thinking about the value of design. Creative ideas and thoughts can help pull you out of some dark times. The value of design and its influence is difficult to quantify but I can say that it has had a profound effect on my life. It can bring comfort and ease of mind for the creator as well as those that have received it. Think about redesigned spaces, museums, memorial gardens. Design can heal and help you identify yourself or express what you are feeling on a particular day and moment.

  I added a belt to what I was wearing yesterday to help project team spirit for a tennis match I attended. There was also some discussion about Patriots Day both what that means and encouragement to dress that way as an expression of purpose. The belt I chose was one that I have worn for 20 years give or take. Wow. What an amazing thing to have a belt that still brings me joy and I believe still looks good. Truth be told, it’s the buckle that has stood the time. The original vegan leather belt or maybe it was simply some version of plastic withered away, frayed, and became simply unwearable. My quest for the replacement belt was not an easy one but with my annoying persistence, I found success. The buckle is ceramic and an alum of RISD created it, sold it to me for very little money and I have enjoyed it ever since proving once again that good design can stand the test of time….and doesn’t have to break the bank account.

  Speaking of time, this summer we heard a new show would be streaming just before Labor Day. While we didn’t want summer to end, we were more than a little excited to see the new comedy/mystery co-written by Steve Martin and co-starred with Martin Short and Selena Gomez. “Only Murders in the Building” did not disappoint and I know you would have laughed and piqued your interest much in the way we have- pushing us to greedily click for the next episode. There are twists and turns and a fantastic cast including some surprising guest performances. It’s curious, funny, and well written and I wish there were more shows designed with this style of entertainment. I want to feel good sometimes and have a good laugh or be provoked to wonder. It’s nice to forget what is going on in the world or our own backyard even if for a short time. Give me more entertainment such as this!

  On a walking path, I stumbled over a crack in the pavement. Yes, I know surprise, I am still tripping due to my focus on too many ideas and thoughts to stay successfully on the straight and narrow. The stumble brought a leaf into view and with that the inevitable promise of Fall. Each year there is a moment and this was the one. We had a crispness in the air and now the leaf. Change is good. I love experiencing the four seasons the way we do in the Northeast and just as I feel a little stagnant, the weather changes and we get to embrace the needs and design of that season. Apple picking, all things cinnamon, cozy fireplace with a good book, warm apple cider, and that cool breeze that brings on cuddly sweaters with cold cheeks lit up by the warmth of the sun.

  Your granddaughter picked out a new read for me by Lorraine Brown entitled “The Paris Connection.” I am presently reading and found the whole concept interesting and more than a little bit cringeworthy. It touched on that idea of not being in control and not in a good way but much like those dreams when you wake up and you have made a mistake that may not be fixed. I have experienced that while I am awake too. The book opens with a woman who recently entered 30 and her boyfriend frantically catching a train leaving Venice and heading for Amsterdam to attend the boyfriend's sister's highbrow wedding. The couple has recently moved in together in London and while one is organized and responsible, the other is a bit erratic and makes self-proclaimed questionable decisions. At one point, unable to sleep, the woman decides to walk to another car that is quieter. Success. In fact, she sleeps so soundly she is unaware of the change in landscape as the train has divided with the goal of yet another destination. Realizing while still groggy that not only is she alone in her seat but soon discovers that she is en route to Paris…without luggage, passport, or even a light jacket. One thing leads to another and things seem to get worse before they get better(?). I found myself squirming, then angry, and finally laughing. 

  Change…is good. I used to say this almost as a mantra to other designers years ago as a coping mechanism when everything was uprooted by last-minute demands. My saying that wasn’t always received well and quite frankly maybe no one appreciated it but I meant it when I said it. I think I stole ‘change is good’ from you as you said it to me whenever I was struggling with something not going as planned. There have been moments that friends have laughed at me claiming they love change and enjoy it. There are things(creatures of habits) that these same friends keep in their lives as a grounding, helping to keep the other changes fun. We can design our paths to include change but sometimes change is thrust on us in a way that is extremely hard to accept and embrace, and maybe we shouldn’t. These are the times that we need friends, family, and community to hold our hands, carefully guiding us through the moments.

Talk soon,

Forever Yours

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