The Best Laid Plans

Saturday-August 21, 2021

Dear Marion,

 The best-laid plans. Oh, how we all or at least most of us strive for those ideal results for whatever we are hoping to attain. Admittedly, I have learned the hard way that the best planning incorporates a bit of thought to allow for when things go awry (which inevitably will at some point). There is a saying in design that you need to plan, and then plan again, and yet again plan to allow for those plans that turn sideways when it is least convenient. Life is as in Design sometimes complicated. There are those days that simply turn into a ‘cluster f***’ where everything seems to be piling up and nothing is getting accomplished. The pressure balls up in your chest creating a design for chaos and high blood pressure. The gift of laughter is highly recommended at this point. Another option, don't be afraid to ask for help. I can hear you and know you would be proud. I have finally learned to accept help when I need it and it is offered. Well, at least I have acknowledged my need to control and am working on it regularly.

 There is nothing like a leaky tub and a jiggly toilet to get your day started. My first thought was ugh, not today. Deep breath, and then my second thought was to call our trusted plumber. I left a message and hoped for the best. Move on as you would advise, plan and take control of the next pressing matter. Captain Joe called back and was very busy but assured me he would be able to stop by the end of the week. As it was not a pressing emergency, that was a good plan. By the end of the week, I started thinking about whether I should call or simply take a deep breath and roll with it. Bingo! The phone rang just as we pulled into our driveway in between our crazy schedule, music to my ears Joe was right behind us a bit. Without any drama, both issues were resolved completely with a simple explanation as to why the toilet needed a second visit(said toilet caused major leak and ceiling replacement two weeks prior). What would and where would we be without people like Captain Joe in our lives and community. He left much as he arrived without any fanfare and with a vibe of trust and assuredness. I was so thrilled that we would be entering our weekend with our plumbing intact and walked out onto the porch with him. He asked me something and with that, a few neighbors hearing his voice yelled hello. They greeted one another and said something about the 11:00 coffee break while they parked themselves in front of our home. This is what I love about our town/community. The familiarness between them filled me with comfort. Sometimes my plans slipping awry leads to the best food for my soul. If I could just remember that I would save myself some gray hairs not to mention agita.

 Community, it took me a long time to realize or put into words how important that concept is to me and probably to most humans. I was walking earlier in the week and came upon an interesting pattern. At first glance I thought it was mulch or dirt, as I got closer I realized the pattern was moving...ants. Remember that first apartment I had without any roommates? I was so excited until the second day when I discovered the extent of the ant infestation and at first glance, on my walk, that memory flooded back and not in a good way. After a deep breath, I decided it was fascinating how they were working together in their own community. Two days later, there was no sign of the previous colony of ants. They moved on with the help of one another and that is a wonderful thing to accomplish. We all need to feel part of some community to not only survive but hopefully thrive. We can feel part of a community at church, the hair salon, barbershop, work, school, neighborhood, etc. if we are really lucky that community can feel like family or an extension of our family. As you once so wisely told me and I have shared many times, you can have friends for many different occasions or times in your life. The most important is to appreciate and acknowledge your friends for however long they are a part of your life. Friendships that are for a time in your life can have a lasting memory just as the friends who remain lifelong.

  The crazy weather we can have in the summer forced me to be prepared with my wardrobe choices for two different events. I wore the same dress for each occasion but as the weather played a deciding factor, I came up with a few ways to wear my new dress and I have attached the results. Even with fashion, I have found planning an outfit for an occasion especially outdoors should be viewed from a few different angles for when that unexpected change in weather suddenly blows in your direction. The best-laid plans are simply views from different angles and/or perspectives so that I feel some semblance of control.

 Note: It’s now September 2, 2021, I meant to send this earlier in August, but as life shows us from time to time, things have a funny way of presenting themselves. Life went a bit awry, but as you say sometimes you just need to step back, take a deep breath, dust yourself off and move forward. The weather has wreaked havoc on the east coast this week with record rain and flooding, wind, and a tornado bringing devastation to communities. So much has brought devastation to communities this past year and a half pushing people to find a new path. Community is so important and particularly in times like these. Thank you for teaching us to find our community.

Happy Labor Day.

Talk Soon,

Forever Yours

Oh,…One More Thing…I spent an hour at the Dermatologist a few weeks ago to have a couple of moles removed. It was quick and painless, but luckily the nurse mentioned using Aquafor two times a day as the spots healed. The few locations were itchy as they began to heal but the Aquafor relieved the itch and helped with the healing. This is an inexpensive product that lasts a long time and I use it when my hands and feet are dry to quickly improve. Another bonus, pat a bit under eye, lips, and sometimes to smooth unruly eyebrows.


“Sometimes, what you’re looking for is already there.”

Aretha Louise Franklin

American singer, songwriter, pianist, producer, civil rights activist


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